Torch Run – June 1st, 2017


WAMEGO, KAN. – June 1st, 2017 marks the 36th Annual Law Enforcement Torch Run, which benefits the Special Olympics of Kansas. Approximately 10 members of the Pottawatomie County Sheriff’s Office are participating, in conjunction with over 1,175 officers from over 97 agencies throughout 52 counties in Kansas.

The event is scheduled to commence at 8:00 AM, and participating runners for the Pottawatomie County Sheriff’s Office will embark on a run of 13.1 miles across Pottawatomie County, which is equivalent to a half marathon in total distance. The runners will head westbound on U.S. Highway 24, beginning at around milepost 330, and will end at the Pottawatomie County/Riley County line in east Manhattan near Sherwin Williams. From there, members of the Riley County Police Department will receive the torch from Pottawatomie County, and continue the run across Manhattan and Riley County. Their route will conclude at the Ogden Gates of Fort Riley. Community members along the route will likely see these groups of runners being led and followed by marked and unmarked police vehicles, which will be providing them safe passage across Pottawatomie and Riley County.

Stefanie K. Spade
Deputy | Pottawatomie County Sheriff’s Office
108 N 1st St
Westmoreland, KS 66549
(785) 457-3353