The City of Emmett had a population of 202 as of July 1, 2015.
The primary coordinate point for Emmett is located at latitude 39.3072 and longitude -96.0573 in Pottawatomie County. The formal boundaries for the City of Emmett (see map below) encompass a land area of 0.2 sq. miles and a water area of 0 sq. miles. Pottawatomie County is in the Central time zone (GMT -6). The elevation is 1,024 feet.
The City of Emmett (GNIS ID: 2394690) has a C1 Census Class Code which indicates an active incorporated place that does not serve as a county subdivision equivalent. It also has a Functional Status Code of “A” which identifies an active government providing primary general-purpose functions.
The City of Emmett is located within Township of Emmett, a minor civil division (MCD) of Pottawatomie County.
Beneath the boundary map are tables with Emmett population, income and housing data, five-year growth projections and peer comparisons for key demographic data. The estimates are for July 1, 2015.