On March 12, 2024, at 549 a.m., the Pottawatomie County Sheriff’s Office responded to Brooks Yamaha, 8070 E US Highway 24, Manhattan, Pottawatomie County, Kansas, for a past burglary that had occurred earlier that morning. The investigation revealed that individuals arrived in a 15ft Uhaul Truck and broke out the glass door on the front of the business. Once inside, the individuals removed several dirt motorcycles from within the business and loaded them in the Uhaul Truck. The total loss of the bikes and damage to the business was estimated at over $32,000. Anyone with any information on the above individuals or the Uhaul truck, please contact Captain Tyler Garver at 785-457-3353. You can also leave a tip via the link on the PTSO website at www.ptsheriff.com.